Events | Page 2

Events Legal News Publications

When is Pseudonymous Data Not Personal Information ?

The 2016 Brussels Privacy Symposium which took place last week (November 8th) is the first annual academic program jointly presented by the Brussels Privacy Hub of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) and the Future of Privacy Forum (FPF). The all-day workshop is titled: Identifiability: Policy and Practical Solutions for Anonymization and Pseudonymization. Khaled El Emam, […] Read more

Events News

Privacy XChange Forum 2016

This year’s Privacy XChange Forum event is taking place on October 16-18 and is held at the Boulders Resort & Spa, situated in the foothills of Arizona’s Sonoran Desert. I am delighted to present with co-panelists Kate Black, Joëlle Jouret and Francesca Spidalieri on October 17th, on “Where In the World: A Quick and Easy Breakdown of Privacy Standards and Regulations”. From the […] Read more

Events Legal News

In 2 words: Law + Tech Event (U of Montreal, March 15)

I will be participating at the “In 2 Words” event organized by the Chaire L.R. Wilson on March 15, 2016 at the University of Montreal. On the first panel, Yann Joly (McGill) will present on “Transhumanism and governance: A possible connection between genetic engineering and cybernetics”, Ian Kerr (U of Ottawa) on “Robots and their Human Counterparts: How AI and Robotics Could Change […] Read more

Events Legal News

De-identification around the World – IAPP Privacy, Security, Risk 2015

I will be presenting on De-identification around the World, at the Privacy, Security, Risk 2015, presented by the IAPP Privacy Academy and CSA Congress, in Las Vegas, on October 1, 2015. My co-panelists are Phil Lee, Head of US Office, Fieldfisher and Andrew Reiskind, Deputy CPO, MasterCard. All around the world, personal information is defined in a wide […] Read more


Practical De-Identification

I will be participating at the Practical De-Identification program organized by the Future of Privacy Forum and Ernst & Young taking place in Washington on July 9th, 2015. De-identification is a critical element in many privacy programs, and is an important part in every privacy practitioner’s toolbox. However, the complex technical, legal, and policy landscape around de-identification can be […] Read more


Conference on Emails and the Law

I will be participating at an event entitled “Courriel Express. Après-midi d’étude interdisciplinaire” (Email and interdisciplinary study) taking place on may 7th in Montreal.  The event is organized by Vincent Gautrais and Marie Demoulin (teachers at the ÉBSI) in the context of the project of the University of Montreal. It can be summarized as an afternoon of interdisciplinary study […] Read more