Privacy Class Actions: Update, Strategy and Lessons Learned

BLG will be hosting a panel discussion entitled “Privacy Class Actions: Update, Strategy and Lessons Learned” at the IAPP Canada Privacy Symposium taking place on May 27-29 in Toronto.

The panelists include Barry Glaspell, Robin Gould-Soil, CIPP/C, Director, Information Access and Privacy, University Health Network as well as myself. The panel will be moderated by Dean Dolan, Vice-President, Associate General Counsel and Privacy Officer at Walmart Canada.

We will begin with an overview of the various types of privacy class actions (security breaches vs. privacy infringing products or services), then provide an update of the applicable legal framework throughout Canada, and discuss how recent Supreme Court of Canada decisions (Vivendi, Infineon) may impact these types of lawsuits. A review of the recent authorizations for privacy class actions across Canada will also be presented, together with a discussion on the type of damages that may be awarded for privacy breaches as well as the settlement options available for defendants. We intend to provide strategic advice on how to manage multi-jurisdiction or global privacy class action lawsuits. We will conclude with a review of recent lessons learned and best practices to mitigate privacy risks following a security breach or before launching of a new privacy-sensitive product or program.

To access the full schedule of the IAPP Symposium, click here.

To register for the event, please click here.

This content has been updated on May 2, 2024 at 16 h 31 min.