In the Media 2014
Rogers récolte-t-elle trop de renseignements ?. TVA, November 28, 2014.
Privacy in the age of Big Data. National Magazine, November 11, 2014.
Porn video featuring Luka Magnotta no longer available on Global News, September 26, 2014.
Loi canadienne anti-pourriel : près de 85 000 plaintes, Radio-Canada. , August 29, 2014.
La loi antipourriel : panique et coûts importants. Droit Inc., July 25, 2014.
La loi antipourriel entraîne de la panique et coûte cher. Michel Munger, Argent (TVA) , July 24, 2014.
Unreasonable searches. National Magazine ( Justin Ling ), June 17, 2014.
Une loi anti-pourriel qui effraie les entrepreneurs. Michel Munger, Argent (TVA) , June 16, 2014.
2014 – Vie Privée Adieu l’Anonymat. La Presse ( Jean-François Codère ), April 26, 2014.
Fraude : responsabiliser les commerçants avant les banques. Argent ( Michel Munger ), April 7, 2014.
Gaining Consent. Canadian Underwriter ( Éloise Gratton ), April 1, 2014.
Privacy in the private sector workplace: Q & A with Eloïse Gratton and Lyndsay Wasser. National Magazine (Christine Sopora), February 14, 2014.
Decision lowers bar to PIPEDA damages. Law Times ( Michael McKiernan ), January 20, 2014.
Businesses Are Tracking Your Habits–But How Much Information Is Too Much. Fast Company ( Lindsay LaVine ), January 17, 2014.
What Secrets Your Phone is Sharing About You. Wall Street Journal ( Elizabeth Dwoskin ), January 14, 2014.
Réseaux sociaux: comment une entreprise doit-elle réagir?. La presse ( Isabelle Massé ), January 13, 2014.
Vie au travail: le privé est public sur les réseaux sociaux. La presse ( Isabelle Massé ), January 13, 2014.
Le 15-18 : Chronique techno de Janic Tremblay : Jian Ghomeshi. Radio-Canada, October 27, 2014.
The risks of public sector entities sharing personal information. Radio-canada, Première Heure , July 14, 2014.
Vie privée en ligne : nouveau jugement de la Cour suprême. Radio Canada, Le 15-18, June 13, 2014.
Legal issues surrounding the anonymous young woman who recently reported infamous blogger Gab Roy on social media which led to his arrest. 98,5 Montréal, May 7, 2014.
Gab Roy’s arrest and the new trend of victims reporting anonymously their abusers on social media. Radio Canada, Le 15-18, May 7, 2014.
Mario Dumont show. TVA, December 20, 2014.
Porn video featuring Luka Magnotta no longer available on Global News, September 26, 2014.
Loi canadienne anti-pourriel : près de 85 000 plaintes. RDI Économie, August 29, 2014.
The new Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation. Radio-Canada, RDI en direct, June 30, 2014.
L’envoi de pourriels devient illégal au Canada. Radio-Canada, June 20, 2014.
Warrantless disclosure of subscriber information by telcos. Radio-Canada, Téléjournal, June 9, 2014.
Privacy concerns with recent bills S-4 and C-13. Radio-Canada, Téléjournal, June 9, 2014.
New trend of victims reporting anonymously their abusers on social media. Radio-Canada, 24-60 show, May 7, 2014.